3 instructions leaflets
4 fully armed knights/warriors
2 beds
1 table
1 Throne seat
5 flags (3 red, 2 yellow)
3 statues
2 ladders
4 knight's hand-held shields ( 2 silver, 2 black)
2 knight's head and shoulder shields
2 arm shields
10 base pits (8 black, 2 silver)
8 hand-held battle weapons ( 5 black, 3 silver)
3 fire torches
1 log canon + 3 logs
1 shooter + 4 shooting pieces
1 water canon
3 black doors + 3 door gates ( 2 big, 1 small)
17 brown pieces (1 makes light and sound)
15 blue pieces
4 red pieces
4 purple pieces
8 dark grey pieces
1 castle gate ( blue x red)
3 yellow building rocks
5 dark grey decorative pieces
2 tree leaves pieces
5 small brown building pieces
(23.03.24, 1 warrior head shield is currently missing)
Fee: £ 0.00 per 28 days
Let your imagination come alive, with this imaginext playset. Build your castle in different structures in lots of different ways. Use some of the parts or all of them!
Start your own battle with the knights, canons and other weapons to defend your land.
Age: 4+ years